What does 'clean beauty' mean at Woolworths?
Woolworths prioritises the use of natural and non-toxic ingredients in all its W.Beauty products, promoting those that are safe for you and the environment

“Clean beauty” is a rapidly growing movement within the cosmetics and skincare industry that prioritises the use of natural and non-toxic ingredients in beauty products. It promotes products that are safe for both consumers and the environment, while also emphasising transparency in labelling and manufacturing processes.
“Clean beauty” doesn’t have a standardised definition, and there can be variation in how different brands interpret and implement these principles.
We chatted to Laura Naidu, head of technology and sourcing at Woolworths Beauty, to find out more about what “clean beauty” means at Woolworths.
What is Woolworths’ interpretation of “clean beauty”?
In line with our Good Business Journey principles, we believe that “clean beauty” is the beauty solution you want, minus the ingredients that are harmful to you and the environment.
Every ingredient in our W.Beauty range has been carefully selected and thoroughly researched to ensure it contains no harmful toxins. No harsh chemicals and only ingredients with a proven track record of safety make it onto our “clean beauty” list. All products go through a rigorous testing process by internationally recognised toxicologists at accredited testing laboratories.
Every ingredient in our W.Beauty range has been carefully selected and thoroughly researched to ensure it contains no harmful toxins. No harsh chemicals and only ingredients with a proven track record of safety make it onto our 'clean beauty' listLaura Naidu, head of technology and sourcing at Woolworths Beauty
To get it just right, we have partnered with our manufacturers and raw material suppliers to define what “clean beauty” means to us, what affect it has on our customers and on the environment, and how it aligns with our Good Business Journey. We only partner with factories that follow ethical labour and manufacturing practices.
Responsible sourcing is a significant component of our “clean beauty” promise. Our W.Beauty range is 100% vegan, which means we don’t use any animal derived or animal by-product ingredients, and the range is endorsed by Beauty Without Cruelty, which assures that the range has not been tested on animals.
We also only source palm oil certified as sustainable by the Roundtable of Responsible Palm Oil (RSPO). The RSPO is a not-for-profit organisation that brings together stakeholders from across the palm oil supply chain to develop and implement global standards for sustainable palm oil use.
What about packaging?
As part of Woolworths’ vision for zero packaging waste to landfill and our “clean beauty” brand promise, we also consider the environmental impact of our W.Beauty packaging and have made some significant shifts over the last few years.
This includes opting for recyclable and reusable packaging such as the 100% recyclable polythene terephthalate (PET) for our bath and body range, most of which also contain 25% recycled PET content, as well as the extensive use of Forest Steward Council (FSC) certified paper and board.
We have removed all plastic packaging from our gifting and accessory ranges and remain the only beauty brand in SA to have FSC 100% certified bamboo and FSC Mix paper lipstick tubes, which are made from wood fibre sourced from well-managed forests, recycled and controlled wood sourced. (FSC N002141.)
Does W.Beauty support local and promote inclusivity?
For us, inclusion and supporting local is a critical part of our “clean beauty” promise.
More than 90% of our W.Beauty products are made in SA and our W.Beauty supply chain supports more than 500 jobs, mostly filled by women.
We have also partnered with the women’s empowerment brand, Amazi, to offer our customers an in-store beauty bar experience. Amazi Beauty Bars can be found in 15 Woolworths stores nationwide with plans to launch more this summer.
We’re also proud that our W.Beauty brand has specifically been formulated to offer a complete colour palate for all South African complexions and skin types.
This article was sponsored by Woolworths.