#Unmarried fans ‘disgusted’ by Brenda’s boss

21 February 2019 - 10:03 By Kyle Zeeman
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Renate Stuurman plays Brenda in 'Unmarried'.
Renate Stuurman plays Brenda in 'Unmarried'.
Image: Supplied/ Mzansi Magic

Fans of popular drama series Unmarried were left fuming on Wednesday after the show’s Brenda discovered that the only way she could get ahead at her company was if she slept with the boss.

Sis has been working her butt off for a promotion at work but her boss wants her to sleep with him for the promotion  the problem is her boss,  wanted her to sleep with him for her to get the job.

Sis stuck to her morals and turned him down, and he was really angry. To get back at her, the boss made Steve the new senior executive accounts manager.

You could see the pain in poor Brenda’s eyes as she watched Steve get all the congratulations.

While she was hurt by the snub, fans of the show at home were fuming. Like, they were quarter to starting a mob and going to find the boss to “teach him a lesson”.

Brenda’s story triggered many, who shared their own experiences of discrimination in the workplace.

They also made their feelings known through memes and messages on social media.

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