Prince Kaybee reacts to popular tattoo artist telling JazziQ to 'stop hitting' on his girl

18 January 2023 - 12:00
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Prince Kaybee shares advice about relationships.
Prince Kaybee shares advice about relationships.
Image: Oupa Bopape

Producer and DJ Prince Kaybee has weighed in on cheating in relationships. 

This after a popular tattoo artist (@al_realism) took to his Instagram stories, alleging JazziQ had made attempts to flirt with his girlfriend.

The tattoo artist said: “JazziQ bro bro, I'm not going to lie, I'm a big fan of your music. But please stop hitting on my girl. This is the second time you are texting her. You even tried to hit on her yesterday at the market and still she mized (ignored) you because she's not interested.

“You busy lying on your interviews saying you don't want nobody knowing exactly what you doing. Long story short, please respect our relationship. Focus on your kids, boy,” he wrote.

Prince Kaybee reacted to the post, sharing his views on the matter. 

“If a man gets your girl's number from her consider him your older brother. You don’t text him or even look his way, your ship is sinking, it's time to hit the road Jack.”

Weighing in on infidelity in relationships during a #BathroomTalkWithSomizi on Instagram, Somizi Mhlongo also shared his views.

The Idols SA judge said he was tired of seeing married women attack their husbands' mistresses for wrecking their homes.

Somizi said he wanted to see married women demand accountability from their husbands.

“When are married women going to accept that the person who broke or breaks their marriage is their partner?  

“The person who owes you loyalty is your husband. The side owes you nothing. Had your husband the backbone to say no, these things would have never happened. You cannot decide what is morally right for the side chick.”

Somizi said if one's partner steps out of their marriage to be with another person, the best thing is to walk way. 

“I am realistic that they don't give a sh*t. The person supposed to give a sh*t is your partner ... deal with your partner and leave, and leave with your dignity. Please love yourselves more. You shouldn't be fighting. The minute you have to ask someone to choose between you and the other person, you have already lost”.

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