TIMELINE | A look at what landed Jub Jub in cuffs this week

28 July 2023 - 13:00
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Uyajola 99 presenter Jub Jub appeared at the Johannesburg magistrate's court on Thursday.
Uyajola 99 presenter Jub Jub appeared at the Johannesburg magistrate's court on Thursday.
Image: Instagram/Jub Jub

Uyajola 99 TV presenter Molemo “Jub Jub” Maarohanye has been charged with three counts of rape, two of attempted murder and one of assault. 

The National Prosecuting Authority said the case was opened recently after comments Maarohanye made on Podcast and Chill with MacG in 2021. 

He appeared on MacG's podcast in December 2021, when he said he “smashed” actress Amanda Du-Pont. He also said he cheated on Amanda with singer Kelly Khumalo after the singer used “muti” to seduce him.

Below is a timeline of events after the Mac G interview which led to Maarohanye finding himself in handcuffs again on Thursday, July 27.


After Maarohanye's comments about his relationship with Amanda during the interview, the actress posted a 17-minute video on Instagram alleging the rapper and presenter raped her multiple times for two years while they were together. 

“I was raped and physically abused by Jub Jub. The only thing I did wrong was keep quiet,” Amanda captioned the post.

Maarohanye later issued a public apology on his Instagram page but denied raping Amanda.

“In the aftermath of the release of my interview with Mac G, I have taken time to re-watch the interview and reflect on my words, specifically my exchange with Mac G regarding Amanda Du-Pont.

“It was inappropriate for me to discuss the intimate details of my relationship with Du-Pont in public. I regret the incident. I apologise unreservedly to Amanda for the humiliation and hurt I caused her,” he wrote.


After Amanda released her video, radio and TV presenter Masechaba Khumalo took to Twitter on December 3 2021 and alleged she was also raped by the TV presenter.

''It happened in Mama Jackie's house in Naturena. He was my boyfriend. I was a teenager. I was a virgin,” she wrote.


On December 14 2021, Maarohanye's mother Ithuteng “Mama Jackie” Jaqueline Kabi Mpambani demanded an apology from Amanda and Masechaba for their accusations against her son.

In a lawyer's letter, seen by TshisaLIVE, Mama Jackie denied the claims and alleged they were “purposely misguiding members of the public”. 

“Our client denies she was involved in your relationship with her son and that she deals with or has ever dealt with muti,” the letter from BDK Attorneys read.

Mama Jackie's legal team also sent a letter of demand to Masechaba.

“Our client denies the allegations against her.”

The letter demanded Amanda and Masechaba remove the social media posts, cease sharing the allegations, retract their statements and publicly apologise.

The high court in Johannesburg ruled the case of defamation she laid against Amanda and Masechaba was not urgent.

Mama Jackie's legal representatives shared her answering affidavit where she argued her life had been threatened on several occasions since they accused her of using “muti”. 

“I have not left my home [unless] absolutely necessary since December 5 2021, with the community continuing to approach my home several times a day, shouting at me and intimidating me.”

Below are the answering affidavits from Amanda DuPont and Masechaba Ndlovu

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