Blast from the past: Bobby unlocks St Andrews to win fourth and final British Open
Today in SA sports history: July 5
04 July 2023 - 20:51
1912 — England-born duo Charles Winslow and Harry Kitson, who had been crowned Olympic doubles champions the day before, face off for the singles title of Stockholm 1912. Watched by the king of Sweden, 23-year-old Winslow beats Kitson, 15 years his senior, 7-5 4-6 10-8 8-6 to become the first South African to win two gold medals at a single Games. The next time would be 84 years later, by swimmer Penny Heyns at Atlanta 1996. The men’s tennis singles competition was one of two events where SA took gold and silver in Stockholm, with the marathon runners repeating the feat more than a week later. ..
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