Obituary: Michael Sata - Zambian leader who changed his mind on China

Michael Sata, who has died aged 77, was a populist president of Zambia who denounced China's role in Africa and promised to stop his country from being a "dumping ground for their human beings".
Prickly, irascible, intolerant and notably inept at the business of administration, Sata had to wait until he was 74 before winning the presidency on his fourth attempt.
Yet for all his faults, he became the insistent voice of millions of Zambians who bitterly resented the impact of Chinese investment on their country.
As a mineral-rich nation laden with copper, Zambia was an early target of China's sweep into Africa. By the early 21st century, Chinese companies were operating mines and running supermarkets in the capital, Lusaka.
While Beijing called this a "win-win" partnership, ordinary Zambians could not help noticing that one side tended to win much more than the other. The minerals that China extracted were vastly more valuable than the infrastructure it built in return; Chinese factories put local competitors out of business; and a series of accidents claimed scores of lives in Chinese-run mines.
During the 2006 election, Sata, by then leader of the Patriotic Front party, sought to mobilise this anger behind his bid for the presidency.
"We want to work with the Chinese, but they must change," he said as votes were being counted. "Their labour relations are very bad. They are not adding any value to what they claim is investment. Instead of creating jobs for the local workforce, they bring in Chinese workers to cut wood and carry water. We don't want Zambia to be a dumping ground for their human beings."
When Sata was defeated, his supporters mounted the first anti-China riot in Africa, rampaging through Lusaka and looting Chinese-owned shops and businesses. While Sata gained only 28% of the total vote, he won majorities in the areas most affected by Chinese investment.
In Lusaka, he polled almost three times as many votes as Levy Mwanawasa, who was re-elected president.
In opposition, Sata warmed to his theme, saying in 2007: "We want the Chinese to leave and the old colonial rulers to return. They exploited our natural resources too, but at least they took good care of us. They built schools, taught us their language and brought us the British civilisation. At least Western capitalism has a human face; the Chinese are only out to exploit us."
When he finally won the presidency in 2011, however, Sata did not act on his words. China's stake in Zambia had become such a vital component of the economy that only a supreme effort of political resolve could have reduced Beijing's influence. Sata, elderly and increasingly infirm, was simply not up to the task.
Having been the first senior African politician to challenge China, he became a compliant partner for Beijing.
Michael Chilufya Sata was born on July 6 1937 in the Mpika area of what was then the British Protectorate of Northern Rhodesia. He attended a mission school and briefly trained for the Catholic priesthood, until he was expelled from Lubushi Seminary for bullying and fighting.
He then served in the colonial police force for two years before going to jail for incitement to violence. Sata was locked up for giving an inflammatory address in a miners' beerhall in the Copperbelt region. Whether he was delivering a passionate condemnation of colonial rule - as he later claimed - or whether his liquid diatribe was actually on more prosaic matters remains unclear. But Sata served six months of a two-year sentence. On his release, he moved to Britain in 1959 and worked variously in a laundry in Bromley, a car factory in Luton and at Victoria station. Sata enjoyed a meteoric rise through the ranks of British Rail, being promoted from cleaner to porter to conductor and, finally, train driver.
He returned to his homeland shortly before it achieved independence as the new nation of Zambia in 1964 and began his political career as a follower of Kenneth Kaunda, the country's first president.
Sata made his mark as an energetic governor of Lusaka from 1985 onwards. But he fell out with Kaunda - who would later dismiss his subordinate as "not presidential material" - and joined a new opposition party, the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy.
After the MMD unseated Kaunda in 1991, Sata held a series of ministerial posts at the departments of labour, local government and health.
But he was disgusted when his new party failed to choose him as its presidential candidate in 2001. Sata was appalled to see this accolade go to Levy Mwanawasa, a dull and reliable man popularly known as "the cabbage".
Sata walked out of the MMD and formed his own party, the Patriotic Front. After losing three elections, he defeated Rupiah Banda and finally became president in 2011.
Yet, sick and exhausted, Sata was only sporadically in charge of Zambia's government. He would disappear for months at a time, surfacing only to make erratic announcements.
When students at the University of Zambia dared to protest against the removal of subsidies on maize and fuel in 2013, Sata flew into a rage and ordered the immediate expulsion of all those involved in the demonstrations.
Police stormed the university campus, drenched the halls of residence with teargas and arrested 23 students. Only the intervention of foreign ambassadors led Sata to back down from this outburst.
As his health worsened, the day-to-day governance of Zambia was effectively left in the hands of Guy Scott, a Cambridge-educated economist who served as vice-president.
Last month, with rumours swirling about his condition, Sata stood before Zambia's parliament and proudly declared: "I am not dead!"
He promptly disappeared again, missing the celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of independence, before the government this week told Zambians that their president had died in a London hospital on Tuesday.
Michael Sata married Margaret Manda, and later Christine Kaseba. He had at least 10 children.