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'Call of Duty' takes aim at 'Fortnite' with upcoming 'Black Ops 4: Blackout'

27 May 2018 - 00:00 By Sylvia McKeown

New mechanics, specialists, stories and zombies are coming in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout, it was announced last week.
It was also when Activision announced that the world's biggest first-person shooter franchise is getting into the Battle Royale race.
Blackout will have a map substantially larger than Fortnite and PUBG and will be made up of areas of all the favourite Black Ops games that came before it.
Not to mention all the best characters, weapons and vehicles (including helicopters) from the last 10 years of the franchise.
A buy-in from such a major gaming player shows the Battle Royale-style gaming phenomenon isn't going away soon and everyone wants a slice.
WATCH | The game trailer for Call of Duty Black Ops 4: Blackout''..

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