Only 5% of teenagers in the US get enough sleep and exercise - and spend too much time on their devices, according to a new study.
CNN reported that out of almost 60,000 adolescents who completed the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention's youth risk behaviour survey between 2011 and 2017, only 5% of them got the recommended amount of sleep and "digital time" recommended by experts.
According to the study, children aged 6-12 should sleep 9-12 hours a night, while adolescents aged 14-18 need between eight and 10 hours of sleep.
Published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics, the study notes that the amount of time spent sleeping, doing physical activities and using technological devices are potential risk factors that can lead to obesity as well as mental and emotional health issues.
Researchers say young children and adolescents should have at least one hour a day dedicated to exercise and should spend less than two hours a day on cellphones or other digital devices.