Victoria Falls is open for tourism: here's why you should take the plunge
The falls are truly magnificent but Victoria Falls, the Zimbabwean tourist town, has much more to offer, with crazy offers right now — both budget and luxe
One of the most candid people I've met is Georges C Imbault. "It's just four seconds but it's the longest four seconds of your life," he half-shouts from his perch at the end of the walkway under the Victoria Falls Bridge. Admittedly, this is not the real Imbault, a Frenchman appointed as chief construction engineer of the bridge in 1903, but a modern-day impersonator. (Real name) Kim Adams is a guide with Shearwater Victoria Falls (, and he dons a pair of period spectacles, braces, a fedora and tie to play an Imbault "scorched by the African sun", to tell visitors a most animated tale of how the bridge, completed in 1905, was built...
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