Skeem Saam actress Pebetsi Matlaila struggled to hold back tears as she made her way to the store to buy food parcels, after she stumbled into a community of people living in what she described as a “desperate” and “hopeless” situation.
The actress took to Instagram to record a video capturing her emotional state as she explained how she was moved to tears and later to help after she saw how families were going through the most in Germiston, Primrose.
“It is a densely populated area in Germiston, Primrose. Every time I pass by that place, I always see toilets on the outskirts of the area. I think to myself, so what happens when someone needs the toilet at night. And how safe is it for the young kids in that area and there's sewage in the streets. Hai, it's not a good living condition, I don't wish that on anybody, to live like that?
“I was angry and I was hurt ... I just didn't know people actually live like that and we take so much for granted,” she said while fighting tears.
Pebetsi said what she saw broke her heart so much that she knew she couldn't just move on without doing something to help change the dire situation she found those people in. She added that with or without a foundation or charity organisation, she was going to take it upon herself to do the right thing.
“After today, I realised that you don't need to have those things. You don't need to have a foundation or charity drive to do what you can do and help where you can help.”
Watch the full video below, and don't forget to swipe left.