'Heartbroken' UIM leader plans DC for Devon Hofmeyr after MK gala dinner

22 May 2024 - 09:48 By SINESIPHO SCHRIEBER
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United Independent Movement parliament candidate Devon Hofmeyr has sparked debate after he attended the MK Party gala dinner.
United Independent Movement parliament candidate Devon Hofmeyr has sparked debate after he attended the MK Party gala dinner.
Image: Devon Hofmeyr/Facebook

United Independent Movement (UIM) parliament candidate Devon Hofmeyr faces disciplinary proceedings for bringing the party into disrepute by attending the MK Party's gala dinner on Friday.

Hofmeyr, son of musician Steve Hofmeyr, holds the fifth spot on the UIM's parliament candidate list. He dominated headlines at the weekend as pictures of him at the gala dinner with former president Jacob Zuma's financial backer Louis Liebenberg went viral on social media. The pictures sparked debate whether the UIM was affiliated with the MK Party. 

UIM founder Niel de Beer has denied association with the MK Party. “Disappointed and heartbroken,” De Beer suspended Hofmeyr for alleged breach of the party's constitutional code of conduct and barred him from campaigning for the party, a week before the elections.

“I am sad about this. I was in Kimberley when this happened. I didn't know anything about this. People ask me if I knew Devon was going to the MK dinner and especially sit with Louis Liebenberg. No, I did not. We have no association with the MK, ANC or EFF. I don't know Liebenberg, he is part of 60-million people. I have never met him, I don't even want to meet him because he does not bring anything to the table,” he said.

Devon Hofmeyr (in black) with his partner Nikita Joubert at the MK Party gala dinner.
Devon Hofmeyr (in black) with his partner Nikita Joubert at the MK Party gala dinner.
Image: Emacous Photography

De Beer said the party wanted to give Hofmeyr a fair hearing.

“There will be a disciplinary hearing and investigation because it goes against what we stand for. I didn't take that action [hearing] as an attack on Devon but to give him a chance to tell us what he was thinking, he has the right to do that,” he said.

“We have forgotten why we are in the election. We have put all our focus onto giving Devon a punishment for the association [with MK Party] and the scandal. I will deal with it.”

Part of the Multi Party Charter consisting of the DA, ActionSA, FF Plus, IFP, ACDP, UIM, SNP and Isanco, De Beer said Hofmeyr's actions were not problematic for the coalition partnership.

“It is not an embarrassment to the Multi Party Charter. By the way, we never signed a contract saying, 'I cannot stand with MK'. On record Devon has been spoken to and suggestions have been made by both parties on how to go forward.

“It has been decided that the UIM will indefinitely suspend Devon until the hearing and information is given. That is democratic, it's the right way,” De Beer said on a YouTube podcast.



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