WATCH | Man arrested for ‘throwing eggs’ at King Charles and Camilla

The king and queen consort are on a two-day tour in northern England

09 November 2022 - 15:01 By Khanyisile Ngcobo and Reuters
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A man was reportedly arrested in the UK on Wednesday after he allegedly threw eggs at British monarch King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla during a walkabout.

The incident happened as the duo were welcomed by city leaders in York, according to Daily Mail.

They were in the northern England city to attend the unveiling of a statue of Charles' mother Queen Elizabeth II.

Videos circulating online show the king and queen consort greeting officials as eggs are thrown at them.

The eggs appear to have missed the unperturbed monarch, who briefly looked down before continuing his engagement.

Police officers rushed in to drag away a protester shouting slogans. Others in the crowd jeered him and chanted “God save the king”.

Charles, who ascended the throne in September after the death of the queen, is on a two-day tour of northern England.

Eggs were also thrown at Elizabeth's royal car in 2022 when she visited Nottingham, central England, and anti-British protesters threw eggs at Charles during a walkabout in central Dublin in 1995.

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