Year in Review: Pastor Mboro is the go to clergyman

23 December 2017 - 14:00 By TshisaLIVE
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Pastor Mboro has had a rollercoaster 2017.
Pastor Mboro has had a rollercoaster 2017.
Image: Via Incredible Happenings Facebook

It's been a busy year for controversial clergyman, Pastor Paseka "Mboro" Motsoeneng, who often got tongues wagging with his unorthodox ways.

Earlier this year Pastor Mboro was left fuming when a social media post emerged claiming that he went to "hell and killed Satan". 

Mboro claimed it was a  smear campaign against him and that his Facebook account had been hacked. 

"When I got to hell, there was a queue of millions of people waiting to be braaied by Satan. I even saw some prominent South African politicians," read the post. 

Mboro said slammed the claims, labelling it "insane". He told TshisaLIVE that it was an attempt to tarnish his reputation. 

A few months later, Mboro made headlines across the country once again after he held a special church service to pray for "sex-starved" couples who had issues in the bedroom. 

After hosting a special service, Mboro then visited couples homes to pray for them in their bedrooms. 

Mboro told TshisaLIVE that after praying the couples experienced a significant difference in their marriage. 

"I prayed for a certain couple on Saturday preparing for Sunday's service and on the day they went onto stage to testify, because the wife no longer had sexual feelings for her husband. They testified about the changes in their marriage since I have been praying for them," he said.  

Mboro said the husband testified that his wife was now energetic in bed, while the wife said that if it wasn't for Mboro, she would have divorced her husband.

He has also been linked to several celebrities and when gospel star Lundi Tyamara died he said he had been praying with him and offered to help with the funeral costs.

Mboro has often said he is misunderstood and just wants to help people.

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