Not just a home comfort: A-Reece wants dagga to be fully legal in SA

09 February 2022 - 10:13 By Constance Gaanakgomo
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A-Reece wants dagga to be legal everywhere and not only for home consumption.
A-Reece wants dagga to be legal everywhere and not only for home consumption.
Image: Via Twitter

Rapper A-Reece wants dagga to be fully legal in Mzansi.

The star sparked tons of debate when he took to Twitter this week to say "Legalise marijuana in SA".

Although his fans were not clear about his reasons for the tweet, many backed him.

A quick Google search reveals dagga use for home consumption was decriminalised in 2018 by the Constitutional Court. Buying and selling dagga remains illegal.

The historic ruling came after Rastafarian Garreth Prince and Dagga Party leader Jeremy Acton brought the case to the Constitutional Court. Government departments appealed and wanted home consumption to remain a criminal offense.

One tweep reminded him it was legal, and the rapper said it was, but only for private use.

In his mentions a tweep said legalising it will only benefit big corporations, while others said the rapper does not have the influence to make such requests.

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